SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY! Come volunteer with us on the coldest night, February 22nd with Blue Door and Mosaic Interfaith Out of the Cold for our annual walk to help support our most vulnerable!
Your help is needed in the community and, at the same time, you’ll be helping us to put together a welcoming and collaborative event! We have various positions that we urgently need your support with to make this event successful!
This event will be held on February 22nd, the coldest day of the year, so that we can get a chance to experience, even for a few hours, the emotions and feelings associated with being in the cold as the many individuals in York Region face due to not having a home. We cannot do this alone and need your support!
Volunteers are needed for:
- Route Marshals
- Set Up & Tear Down Crew
- Welcome Greeters
- Registration Desk
This is a family event which high school students are welcomed and will have an opportunity to earn volunteer hours for school with either walking for us on the 22nd or volunteering your valuable time for one of the positions listed above.
Please see the attached poster for more information on how you can earn volunteer hours for school.
If you would like to apply to provide your valuable support to Blue Door’s Coldest Night of the Year walk please contact Jessica Auerbach at or if you would like to form a team and walk for Blue Door, please visit
We look forward to hear from you!